
New Pictures From the Mission

Ok, so lately I've been in contact with Sister Jennie Marinho who served in my district when I was district leader. She was super awesome! She had one of the best attitudes, the strongest testimonies, and she had a habbit of baking delicious goods haha. Anyways, during my mission I dropped my camera, so I don't have that many pictures from the last couple months, so I asked Jennie if she would send me some from the last trip to Assomada that we took because we had some good times! Here are a few pictures that I just received and wanted to share.

This is Sister Marinho. She and Sister Paim made this for me because I was leaving that week, it's a picture of the cape verde flag with the islands on it and their testimonies on the back.

These are the Assomada spiders. Assomada was the first area that I served in and I was there for 4 1/2 months. These spiders weren't out as much while I was there, but on this P-day trip back they sure were! They aren't poisonous but they quite a site. This is Elvis showing us that they aren't as bad as they seem.

This is the largest and oldest tree in Cabo Verde. It's in Assomada and is a popular place for P-day.

You might want to take a closer look at the larger version of this pictures, there are lots of spiders between those plants! haha they made ginormous webs that were super strong. To grab the spiders, Elvis just grabbed a web and reeled it in as if the web was rope. They were so cool!